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When we hear the words top strength-enhancing steroids, like potent anabolic steroids, the image that instantly flashes in our minds is that of a superhero. The hero is tall and strong, with herculean strength and extreme muscles. He is on a quest to save the world from notorious extraterrestrial villains.
But is that the case? Let’s dive deep.
Anabolic steroids are also known as anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS). They enhance appearance and performance. These synthetic substances share similarities with testosterone, the male sex hormone.
Let’s explore the most potent anabolic steroids:
Anadrol is renowned as the best steroid for dramatic muscle gain in a short time. It enables bulking up through water retention. It is cycled for 8 weeks, and the dosage is 50–100 mg daily. After stopping, users tend to lose half of what they gain. Side effects include weight gain, cholesterol, acne, and stomach pain.
Anavar is one of the best oral anabolic steroids for cutting. Tolerance among women is seen to be better. It is less toxic and has minimal side effects. It is cycled for 8 weeks, often used along with testosterone, and the dosage is 10–50 mg per day. Side effects are high BP, lower HDL cholesterol (good one), acne, hair loss, and depression.
is used for building mass and comes in injectable form. It is used to treat medical conditions like cancer, AIDS, and anemia. It is cycled up to 12 weeks, and the dosage is 200–600 mg per week. Side effects include erectile dysfunction, acne, liver problems, enlarged prostate, loss of appetite, stroke, and heart failure.
Trenbolone has garnered fame for being the most powerful steroid for muscle growth and the best steroid for strength. It is cycled for 10 weeks maximum, and the dosage is 300–600 mg per week. Side effects include severe cough, lower sex drive, high BP, acne, hair loss, insomnia, anxiety, aggression, and kidney and liver issues.
Dianabol is considered the top-rated bulking steroid and is well-appreciated for its ability to increase muscle mass and strength rapidly. It is cycled for 4-6 weeks, and the dosage is 30–50 mg per day. Side effects are acne, hair loss, liver problems, infertility, depression, sleeplessness, testicular shrinkage, and heart issues.
Equipoise is used for bulking up and comes in injectable form. It helps to bulk up by increasing appetite and stamina. It is cycled for 8–12 weeks, and the dosage is 300–400 mg per week. Side effects include lower good cholesterol, muscle tears from overuse, acne, gynecomastia, hair loss, and high BP.
Proviron is an antiestrogen steroid used for hard muscles. It is not cycled alone. It is an orally active form of DHT (dihydrotestosterone) that prevents estrogen from forming. Its dosage is 25–50 mg per day. Side effects are headaches, fluid retention, sexual issues, depression, and irritability.
Testosterone is used for bulking up as well as cutting. Cypionate, Enanthate, and Propionate are the three sub-groups within testosterone, among which Enanthate helps to add lean muscle mass. It is cycled for 10–12 weeks, and the dosage is 500–600 mg per week for a middle-built person. Users often require post-cycle therapy.
Winstrol is an oral and injectable steroid for bulking up and cutting. It is cycled for 6–8 weeks, and the dosage is 10–50 mg per day. Side effects associated with this steroid are dry joints, acne, hair loss, cholesterol issues, mood swings, and sexual dysfunction.
* We have not discussed in detail Armidex (an ancillary drug), Clenbuterol (a stimulant), and HGH (Human Growth Hormone), as these are not anabolic steroids but are still used for muscle and bodybuilding.
Two main angles help us understand the use of anabolic steroids:
Some conditions call for anabolic steroids. These include delayed puberty, anemia, and AIDs (when there is muscle loss). Anabolic steroids are also known as steroid muscle boosters as they stimulate muscle growth and appetite.
Body Building: Anabolic steroids promote protein synthesis. This increases muscle mass; hence, they are useful as bodybuilding steroids.
Anabolic steroids serve as performance steroids by enhancing strength, endurance, and recovery. Hence, it prepares the user for intense training sessions.
Aesthetics: Individuals who wish to fan their vanity and achieve a lean and muscular physique tend to use anabolic steroids.
Anabolic steroids can be obtained legally when prescribed by doctors for treating medical conditions. People source high-dose anabolic steroids for non-medical use through illicit channels, like black-market suppliers or underground labs. Anabolic steroids are controlled substances since they are prone to addiction and harm.
Many people claim that ‘steroids are quick fixes.’ Steroids alone cannot transform someone into a superhero. People require intense physical training, a proper diet, and a disciplined lifestyle. Contrary to popular belief, steroids are not magic pills.
The main appeal of steroid use in sports is muscle growth and performance enhancement. But we cannot ignore the anabolic effects. Permanent health damage and legal implications are part of these anabolic effects. Guidance must be sought from healthcare professionals before one decides to use them. A better option is to explore anabolic steroid alternatives. These include a balanced diet, intensity training, and natural supplements. This choice shall help obtain similar results without running any of the risks.