OXYTOCIN 2mg vial


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OXYTOCIN 2mg vial

All PEPTIDES THAT ARE SOLD ARE lyophilized – They will need to be be reconstituted.
You will need to purchase BAC WATER and SYRINGES.

Before starting, allow the peptide and bacteriostatic water vials to reach room temperature for 30 minutes, away from direct light or heat sources.
Start by disinfecting the stoppers of both vials using alcohol prep pads.
Assemble the large sterile needle and syringe and draw in about 1mL of air. Then insert the needle into the vial with the sterile solvent.
Inject the air inside the vial to prevent negative pressure and immediately withdraw the correct amount of sterile solvent needed for reconstitution (usually 1mL).
Pull the needle out of the solvent and insert it into the vial with lyophilized peptide.
Then drip or slowly inject the solvent from the syringe while aiming the needle tip at the vial wall. To prevent foaming, do not aim directly toward the powder or spray the solvent.
Once researchers have injected the correct amount of solvent, they can dispose of the needle and syringe in a sharps container.
Let the peptide dissolve naturally within the solvent. In addition, researchers can use sonication if available or very gently roll/swirl the vial. Avoid forceful tapping or shaking, as this can damage the peptide structure. Also, avoid tapping the syringe before injection.
After the peptide has dissolved, check the clarity of the liquid and look for any particles. If the solution is cloudy or if there are any particles, discard it.
Once the peptide is reconstituted, refer to the specific product label for accurate dosage and storage instructions, if any. We suggest fridge for water and peptide.

Oxytocin which also goes by the name Oxt is a neuropeptide and peptide hormone. It has a major role when it comes to sexual reproduction in males and females, social bonding, pro-social behaviours.

Categories: Fertility, Hormone Production, Peptide, Sexual Performance

What is Oxytocin?
Oxytocin which also goes by the name Oxt is a neuropeptide and peptide hormone. In the body, it is produced by the hypothalamus and then released by the posterior pituitary gland. Its structure is composed of nine amino acids and has a molecular mass of 1007.9.

It has a major role when it comes to sexual reproduction in males and females, social bonding & pro-social behaviours. It is released into the bloodstream during labour and breastfeeding.

How does Oxytocin Work
The axon terminals of the pituitary gland are known to control pro-social behaviours like fear, reinforcement and anxiety among others. Oxytocin is usually released into the bloodstream via these same axon terminals. As a result, people have come up with speculation that the brain effects concerned with behaviour are affected by these axons.

Another major fact is that once this peptide has been expressed from the brain by the hypothalamus, it can’t re-enter. This has led to the belief that the behavioural effects due to the presence of the peptide are caused by it being released by central projecting oxt neurons which tend to be different from the neurons that go into the pituitary gland.

As a result, based on the scientific researches performed on animal subjects, oxytocin has been labelled as playing major and complex roles in the body apart from only emotional responses or arousal. Some of the major functions of oxytocin include the “let down” reflex during lactation (breastfeeding) in female or the pro-social attachment behaviour like bonding. It also affects mood.

Oxytocin acts differently on females and males. Females respond faster to social stimuli under the effect of this peptide as compared to males.

Oxytocin components
The peptides come in a unit size of 2mg per vial, unit quantity 1 vial. It is a white powder that is soluble in either water or 1% acetic acid. As for its storage, oxytocin that is lyophilised is stable at room temperature for about 3 months. In cases of an extended period, it should be stored in a freezer with -8c. After it has been reconstituted, this peptide has to be refrigerated at a temperature of not more than 36F.

The suggested dosage for vile size of: 2mg

Suggested Frequency of use: Once a day before bed

Where to inject: Injected into the body fat around the stomach area.

Suggested Injection Dosage per time: 20-50mcg

What Type of water to mix with? Bacteriostatic Water or sterile water

How much water to add: 2ml

Suggested How to Mix the water and peptide together: 2ml of water into the syringe and inject it into the vial with powder, never shake, gently rotate the vial between your fingers until all of the powder has dissolved.


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OXYTOCIN 2mg vial