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No matter who you are, male or female, it is always possible to put your hormones in a state of imbalance. So, if you’ve experienced things like fatigue, hair loss, and irregular menstrual cycles, it may be worth looking at your estrogen and testosterone levels. The good news is that these things can be read through your typical blood test. Of course, fixing your levels is another story. Read on to find out just what high estrogen level symptoms are and what they can mean for your body. Better yet, learn how estrogen blockers can help you return to your every day life.
Whether male or female, it is essential to keep estrogen in balance. But what is it, and what does it do? Well, estrogen is commonly known as the female sex hormone, but don’t let that fool you. It is present in both men and women, with a certain degree of difference based on your sex. In complete honesty, the same is true of the male hormone testosterone. You do wonders by keeping the body balanced between these male and female hormones.
For women, estrogen plays a role in the menstrual cycle and the overall reproductive system. For men, it is just an important hormone for sexual function itself. However, whether male or female, you can develop high estrogen levels, and this can affect your health. Here are a few guidelines for women and men who may be experiencing higher-than-normal estrogen levels and may need help from an estrogen blocker.
When it comes to what causes high estrogen levels and a possible need for estrogen blockers, hormonal imbalance takes the cake. Whether you are male or female, you can still experience this issue. Sometimes, this can be because of certain medications you’re on. This could include things like birth control for women, specific herbal or natural remedies commonly used, as well as things like phenothiazines.
Another common denominator when it comes to high estrogen is genetics. Yes, it’s true. Higher estrogen levels can run in your family. In addition to this, those who are obese or have ovarian tumours or liver disease may also see a spike.
For women, typical symptoms of a higher than average estrogen level include an irregular period with either light spotting or heavy bleeding, bloating, cold hands or feet, problems sleeping, hair loss, low sex drive and problems with memory, among others. In contrast, for men, you may end up with erectile dysfunction, gynecomastia, and, in some cases, infertility altogether.
Whether male or female, experiencing higher estrogen levels can also lead to things like thyroid diseases, heart attack or stroke, breast or ovarian cancer, and blood clots. Depression is also common when your levels are not quite right.
There are two common ways to reduce estrogen levels naturally: a change in diet and weight loss. For those looking to change their diet, eating certain foods may reduce estrogen in your body. Some foods include broccoli, cabbage, kale, mushrooms, red grapes, and whole-grain foods. If you want to try the weight loss route, a diet change may also help since most changes include green leafy vegetables and other healthy fruits and vegetables.
However, if you’re trying to reduce your estrogen levels quickly, you may want to try compounds known as estrogen blockers.
Estrogen Blockers, which also go by the names antiestrogens and estrogen antagonists, are a variation of compounds that prevent estrogens such as estradiol from interfering with the body’s natural balance. Their main form of function is to block estrogen receptors or inhibit the production of estrogen in some way. One area in which antiestrogens are becoming popular is the category of SERMs. These are selective estrogen receptor modulators. This includes compounds such as tamoxifen citrate, which will be discussed later on, along with two other estrogen blockers. Another form of these compounds is found in aromatase inhibitors, which include anastrozole.
In most cases, anastrozole is actually prescribed to women as a treatment for specific types of breast cancer. So, what does that mean for the average bodybuilder? Well, Anastrozole, or Arimidex as it is named in brand form, is an aromatase inhibitor. Well, aromatase inhibiting products typically slow the conversion of estrogen. So, it is not a full-on estrogen blocker, but it acts in the same way.
Blocking estrogen is important for those looking to gain muscle because many use steroids, which can put levels out of whack. So, what can anastrozole do for you in this situation? It can act as a PCT or post-cycle therapy in which you get your levels back to normal without losing any of the gains you’ve made or dealing with nasty side effects. You can learn more about the proper dosages in this article.
A more common PCT known and used in bodybuilding is tamoxifen citrate, better known as Nolvadex. As previously mentioned, this is a SERM or selective estrogen receptor modulator. Being more selective allows for a more holistic approach to treating an imbalance in hormones. This particular SERM is in charge of helping with things like gynecomastia and mitigating the negatives of steroids. Again, this estrogen blocker is most beneficial when used as a PCT for steroid users as well as those dealing potentially with man boobs. You can buy tamoxifen citrate when you head here.
So, if you’re dealing with high levels of estrogen because of natural causes or due to steroids, then you may want to look into estrogen blockers to help. But where can you get the best estrogen blockers for your money?
At Canadasteroiddepot, we pride ourselves on offering the absolute best estogen blockers, including Steroids, peptides, SARMs, research chemicals, and more. When you’re looking for items like estrogen blockers, we stringently test them in our laboratories to ensure their efficacy and purity. This way, you know you’re getting the very best. Check us out today!