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SUPPORT Canadian ! Buy steroids , peptides and sarms in Canada | We ship from Canada to Canadians only | No duty - No customs - No cross borders - No risk
As individuals, we don’t always remember that our bodies usually fight to maintain the perfect balance of what makes us who we are. This pertains to everything from our DNA to our hormones. For bodybuilders taking things like steroids, this becomes exceedingly important. Steroids tend to mess with our body’s natural levels of female and male hormones. After all, they are synthetic testosterone; this is where Anastrozole comes in.
Estrogen is on the female side of hormones in the body. Both men and women typically have a healthy balance of the two. However, when a man starts to take anabolic steroids, the levels of testosterone and estrogen begin to fluctuate.
For men, there are two types of estrogen. These two forms are known as estradiol and estrone. Normal ranges of estrone are between 10 and 60 picogram/mL, and estradiol is from 10 to 40 picogram/mL. A typical bodybuilder wants their estradiol numbers to be between 20 and 30 picogram/mL.
For men experiencing a spike in their estrogen, there is a decrease in muscle mass, they often have problems focusing, experience gynecomastia symptoms, and many experience erectile dysfunction.
In several cases, Anastrozole is a compound typically prescribed by a doctor for postmenopausal women. These women have a specific type of breast cancer. However, in the case of bodybuilding, it is used for a different purpose.
Anastrozole, known by its brand name Arimidex, is an aromatase-inhibiting substance. What does that mean for bodybuilders? An aromatase-inhibiting substance essentially slows the conversion of estrogen. This is important because many individuals in the bodybuilding community use anabolic steroids. In the fitness community, they are performance enhancers. In other words, they help you gain muscle faster and gain an edge over the competition.
Not one hundred percent sure what these substances are or do? Anabolic steroids are essentially synthetic testosterone. So, when you have an abundance of testosterone, the body tends to reduce its natural production. In doing so, this also increases the amount of estrogen and progesterone in the body. Since these two hormones are considered female hormones, they tend to cause things like “man boobs.” They are medically known as gynecomastia.
This is where Anastrozole comes into play. Because of its inhibiting nature on the female hormone estrogen, gynecomastia can be prevented in steroid users.
Keep in mind that with many different research chemicals, there are prevalent side effects. In the case of Anastrozole, most of the more common side effects are mild. These side effects include headaches, joint pain, nausea or vomiting, hot flashes, weakness, and fatigue. Again, these are mild, so long as you don’t take more than the recommended dosage, you’re less likely to experience them.
In extremely rare cases, an allergic reaction is possible. The symptoms are usually swelling, breast pain, rapid heart rate, blurred vision, chest pain, and rashes. If this occurs or you experience worsening symptoms, you should speak with your physician.
In most cases, Anastrozole comes in a 1mg tablet form. It has shown an affinity to prevent side effects of gynecomastia, allowing bodybuilders to use their steroids without dealing with many of the serious side effects. To prevent gynecomastia, it is recommended that in conjunction with your steroid, you start using it as well. However, they do not start at the same point. In fact, you’ll want to start your doses about two weeks into your cycle and take it twice a week at 0.5mg. This seems to be the sweet spot in order to avoid the symptoms as well.
As previously mentioned, Anastrozole is more commonly used to treat postmenopausal women. These women often experience breast cancers all over the spectrum. Some experience early hormone receptor-positive breast cancer, while others have advanced or metastatic breast cancer. You can read all about using it for breast cancer in this article.
Although it is recommended for male bodybuilders, it is not for female bodybuilders. The way that the female body works, estrogen is a big player. It has more of a significant role in the overall functionality of the female body. Therefore, feeding the body something that will reduce estrogen can cause other issues.
So now that you have a basic background of what it can do for you as a bodybuilder. What are you waiting for? Head over to the product pages and get yours!
When you type “buy Anastrozole” into the search bar on Google, several dozen pages pop up with tons of manufacturers boasting that they have the best. However, they are missing a key ingredient when it comes to their research chemicals. They’re not Canadasteroiddepot. At Canada Steroid Depot, all of our products are stringently tested. Not only that, they’re pharmaceutical grade. So, you know you’re getting the best for yourself. Are you not sure whether Anastrozole is right for you? Our friendly customer service team is happy to help you with your PCT needs.